Education & training: consultant electr mobility
Module 9: system integration renewable energies
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Visualising and consulting tool 2.6
Last update: 17.08.2023
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Elektrobildungs- und Technologiezentrum e. V.

Scharfenberger Str. 66, 01139 Dresden

Mr. Jens Köster
(Managing director / board member)
Scharfenberger Str. 66
01139 Dresden

Tel.: 0351 8506-300
Fax: 0351 8506-355

Represented by Managing Director Jens Köster,

Ent. in registr. of assoc of Amtsgericht Dresden, VR 1961.

Developer and technical contact

VISIT Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frieder Weidhase
Pillnitzer Landstr. 155
01326 Dresden

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The information provided on this website is carefully checked by EBZ e. V.and updated regularly. Nevertheless, the EBZ e. V. assumes no liability nor guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and software provided. The same applies to the content of the websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks. The EBZ e. V. is not responsible for the content of websites that can be accessed through such a link. The duplication of information and data, in particular the use of texts and parts of texts, requires the prior consent of EBZ e. V.

Software for comprehensible illustration on effective use of renewable energies including electric mobility
Work in cloud, location EBZ Dresden
Leg. not.   Data prot.
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